Drinking One Glass of Wine Every Day Increases Risk of Breast Cancer
Drinking One Glass of Wine Every Day Increases Risk of Breast Cancer Comprehensive report analyzed 199 studies of over 12 million women By Diana Bruk • 05/23/17 1:47pm Study concludes that ‘a third of US breast cancers could be prevented by being active, not drinking alcohol and staying a healthy weight.’ Unsplash/Thomas Martinsen In recent years, there’s been a deluge of research fostering the belief that drinking a glass of wine every day was actually really good for you, the most popular of which was a July 2015 study that claimed drinking a glass of wine right before bed could help you lose weight. It doesn’t take an expert to understand why a story like that would be so beguiling, but more often than not, when it comes to our health, the old adage stands: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The latest findings by the American Institute for Cancer Research on how weight, diet, and exercis...